This article demonstrates how measles respond to the pathogen cleanse.
God, the Creator, created two forms of energy that can be found in the universe: scalar energy and electromagnetic energy. God also created the Sun in our solar system as well as the stars of the universe in order to produce both scalar energy and electromagnetic energy. Consequently, God utilizes both scalar energy as well as electromagnetic energy in order to create all spiritual, cognitive, emotional and physical phenomenon in the universe.
Each energy possesses a unique set of properties and is responsible for different phenomenon. Succinctly, the Divine Mind of God communicates His Divine Will by way of scalar energy and electromagnetic energy.
Scalar energy is superior to electromagnetic energy in many ways. Scalar energy is an eternal light that does not weaken or experience entropy; whereas, electromagnetic energy is a transient light that weakens over distance and does experience entropy.
Scalar energy is a longitudinal wave that assumes the shape of a double-helix that is in-phase spatially and out-of-phase temporally; whereas, electromagnetic energy is a transverse wave that assumes a wave-like shape that is composed of both electric and magnetic field components that oscillate in-phase perpendicular to each other.
Scalar Energy is a Longitudinal Wave. . .
Scalar energy is a longitudinal wave that assumes the shape of a double-helix that is in-phase spatially and out-of-phase temporarily. Scalar energy is non-hertzian and possesses an infinite number of harmonics; whereas, electromagnetic energy is hertzian in nature and is composed of frequencies. Scalar energy is capable of passing through any object without diminution of signal; whereas, electromagnetic energy experiences a loss of signal as it attempts to pass through objects.
Scalar energy is recognized by many cultures around the world and is referred to by various names, such as: prana, homeopathic energy, Life Force, ether energy, radiant energy, zero-point energy, odic force, Universal Consciousness, orgone energy, Om, Ka, torsion energy, pyramid energy, Creative Strength, the Soul, eloptic energy, etc.
Notwithstanding the growing recognition of scalar energy, this fundamental force in nature remains poorly understood and has not yet been widely incorporated in every day life in order to benefit mankind.
I have incorporated scalar energy as a means to disassemble the measles for the benefit of mankind. There are two (2) types of measles: red measles which is caused by the rubeola virus and German measles which is caused by the rubella virus.

Rubeola Virus TEM
In explanation, scalar energy is responsible for assembling or binding together all physical forms, including the rubeola and the rubella viruses. By reversing the scalar energy phase angle of both the rubeola and the rubella viruses, scalar energy is capable of subsequently disassembling the ribonucleic acid, RNA, of both the rubeola and the rubella viruses, respectively.

Rubella Virus TEM
In order to achieve this purpose, I use a transmission electron micrograph (TEM) of both the rubeola virus and the rubella virus, in order to decipher the exact, scalar energy harmonic responsible for assembling or binding these two (2) pathogens.
That is, these transmission electron micrographs are images obtained by transmitting a stream of electrons through both the rubeola and the rubella viruses, thus producing a detailed image of each virus. Consequently, these transmission electron micrographs will render a high magnification and clear resolution image of the RNA of both the rubeola and the rubella virus. I then place these transmission electron micrographs of both the rubeola and the rubella viruses inside my scalar energy instrument whereby the RNA code is deciphered by way of scalar energy.
Next, the scalar energy RNA harmonics of both the rubeola and the rubella viruses are deciphered by my scalar energy instrument, thereby allowing me to transmit the scalar energy reverse-phase angle harmonic of each virus into a person suffering from the measles.
Conclusively, the scalar energy reverse-phase angle harmonics of both the rubeola and the rubella viruses will serve to instantly disassemble or unbind the RNA of these pathogens. Once the RNA of these viruses has been disassembled, these pathogens are inoperative and are no longer able to replicate or infect a host, thereby effectively eliminating the causative agents of the measles and curing the disease. By eliminating the etiological causes of the measles, this pathogenic disease is cured and the symptoms will abate or disappear entirely.
On a grander scale, scalar energy is capable of disassembling the nucleic acid (DNA and/or RNA) of any virus thereby rendering these pathogens inoperative. By broadcasting the scalar energy reverse-phase angle of any virus into a person, the instructive energy of this broadcast will serve to disassemble the DNA and/or RNA of that virus. Once the DNA and/or RNA of a virus has been disassembled, the virus can no longer function and will not be able to replicate or infect a host. This scalar energy treatment process will subsequently prove to be the cure for all viral diseases.
In synopsis, all physical matter in the universe is assembled and held together by way of scalar energy; hence, scalar energy provides the geometry of the universe. As a primal force in nature, scalar energy can either assemble or disassemble physical forms. Once this scalar energy force is negated, physical matter disassembles and is reduced to a state of chaos. I incorporate scalar energy in order to disassemble pathogens thereby eliminating the etiological cause of pathogenic disease. Ultimately, one day soon, scalar energy treatments will prove to be the cure for all viral diseases. Then, mankind will finally acknowledge, embrace and benefit from this great gift from God: scalar energy.
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The scalar healing sessions are done remotely using your photograph to connect with you. There are 3 options for scalar sessions:
- You as an individual
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