Scalar Energy Treatment Frequently Asked Questions
- Question: What is unique about scalar energy treatments as opposed to other treatment modalities.
Answer: Scalar energy is a fundamental force in nature that is responsible for assembling as well as disassembling physical matter. I have developed a unique, scalar energy instrument that assembles favorable, physical forms as well as disassembles unfavorable, physical forms inside the human or animal body. Additionally, I am able to re-align the seven (7) chakras of the human body by way of scalar energy. The scalar energy instrument that I utilize is unique and has not been duplicated, hence,the treatment modality is likewise unique.- Question:What is a Pathogenic Cleanse?
Answer: Clients are treated to disassemble pathogens that cause illness – in my protocol, a client is treated 7 times per week. One actually receives scalar energy pathogenic cleansing sessions daily that disassemble over 55,000 species of bacteria, fungi, protozoan and viruses each week over a thirty day period.- Question:What is the Nutrient Therapy?
Answer: Clients are treated 7 times per week and receive scalar energy nutrient therapy sessions that assembles 242 essential vitamins, minerals, amino acids, phytochemicals, antioxidants, fatty acids, hormones, protein and water inside the cells that are essential for optimal health.- Question: What is the Chakra Balance?
Answer:Clients are treated 7 times per week and receive scalar energy chakra balance sessions that balance and harmonize the seven (7) chakras of the human body each week.- Question:Is a 30-day treatment with scalar energy sufficient for most people?
Answer: Some people believe that the initial 30 days of scalar energy treatments are sufficient in order to clear pathogens from their bodies. However, many people desire to continue with the scalar energy treatments as the assembling of essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, phytochemicals and antioxidants is considered to be beneficial and needed on an ongoing basis. If you have chronic illness such as lyme disease, herpes, hepatitis C, you may need several months of remote scalar sessions.- Question: Is there a die-off reaction associated with the scalar energy pathogenic cleanse?
Answer: There is not a die-off reaction as scalar energy disassembles pathogens into elemental forms such as, carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, iron, phosphorus, calcium, etc. Hence, the pathogen ceases to exist thereby avoiding any die-off reaction as is sometimes experienced with antibiotic treatment or detox therapies.
- Question:How is the Pathogenic Cleanse and Nutrient Therapy delivered to the body?
Answer: A photograph of a person or animal is used in conjunction with a scalar energy instrument.
- Question: How can a person be treated with scalar energy
by way of their photograph?Answer: Please see my Guidelines for Submitting Photographs. All objects in the universe, including photographs possess a unique scalar energy harmonic. A photograph of a person used in conjunction with a scalar energy instrument will result in a scalar energy connection between the person in the photograph and the scalar energy instrument.
- Question: How do I get the photograph to you?
Answer: Once you make your payment here, you will be automatically subscribed to receive email. The first email instructs you to submit your photo. Follow instructions in the email to submit your photo. You receive the scalar pathogen cleanse, nutrient therapy and chakra alignment over a 30 day period. At the end of 30 days, you unsubscribe. All client email and photo’s are destroyed. If you wish to renew your 30 day remote scalar session, you may elect to choose a reoccurring subscription.
You will be automatically subscribed to receive Tom’s scalar session notices emailed Monday-Saturday.- Question: Does the photograph intended for scalar energy treatment have to be a full body photograph?
Answer: No. Only a small part of the human body needs to be photographed in order to ensure a scalar energy connection between the person and the scalar energy instrument.
- Question: Does the age of the photograph matter?
Answer: No. Any photograph can be used regardless of the age of the photograph.
- Question: What type of photograph is acceptable?
Answer: Any type of photograph is acceptable. For instance, photographs from, e-mail, digital cameras, iPhones or instant cameras are all acceptable.
- Question: Can I continue with my regular health, nutritional and exercise regimen while I receive scalar energy treatments?
Answer: Yes, scalar energy will not interfere with other health, nutritional or exercise regimens.
- Question: Will I feel the scalar energy treatments?
Answer: Most people do not feel the scalar energy treatments as the energy is subtle and functions at the quantum level. The beneficial results of scalar energy treatments are what people feel and appreciate.
- Question: Do I need to make any special provision in order to receive scalar energy treatments?
Answer: No. Continue living a normal, healthy life as scalar energy will not interrupt your lifestyle.
- Question: Can scalar energy objectively diagnose disease and other health conditions?
Answer: No, scalar energy can not presently be used to objectively diagnose disease and other health conditions. There is no meter or gauge that can objectively measure scalar energy, hence, diagnosis is presently not possible.
- Question: Should a person be informed that their photograph will be used for scalar energy sessions?
Answer: Yes, a person who has been photographed for scalar energy treatments must be informed prior to receiving such treatments. Every person must provide explicit permission to be treated with scalar energy.
- Question: Can both individual and group photographs be used for scalar energy treatments?
Answer: Yes, either individual or group photographs can be used for scalar energy treatments. Be mindful that if a group photograph is submitted for sessions, everyone pictured within the group photograph will receive the scalar energy treatment. Scalar energy treats all people and objects that appear in a photograph.
- Question:When a group of people request scalar energy sessions, will a single group photograph be acceptable?
Answer:Either a single group photograph (everyone in the group photo is aware of and agrees to the scalar session) or individual photographs of each member of the group is acceptable for scalar energy sessions.
Hydrating When You Take Scalar Sessions
It has come to our attention that many people are dehydrated and more than likely are unaware. Dr F. Batmanghelidj,(pronounced bat man gel idg – the g sound on “idg” as in leverage) author of Your Body Cries for Water states that we lose our perception of thirst after our twenties. He recommends drinking half your weight in ounces daily plus 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt (more minerals in sea salt) per quart of water. If you have pets use the salt water formula for them too. Should you decide to purchase scalar sessions, it is a good idea to hydrate as well. And, of course, stay hydrated. See article and video about Water Therapy.
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The scalar healing sessions are done remotely using your photograph to connect with you. There are 3 options for scalar sessions:
- You as an individual
- You and one other as a Couple
- You and a group of 3, 5, 7
You can click here or on the banner below to get started. After payment, you will receive an email requesting your photograph. Submit your photograph and Tom Paladino will begin the sessions. You will receive 65 scalar sessions in 30 days. These sessions consist of a Pathogen Cleanse, a Nutritional Therapy and a Chakra Balance.