Coxsackie B4 virus disassembled via Pathogen Cleanse
Enteroviruses have been identified as the viruses that are most likely to cause diabetes type 1. Coxsackie B4 virus is an enterovirus and is capable of triggering an autoimmune reaction which subsequently results in the destruction of the insulin-producing beta cells of the pancreas. This series of events is considered to be one of the causes of diabetes type 1. The scalar energy pathogenic cleanse is capable of disassembling enteroviruses, such as the Coxsackie B4 virus, thereby either preventing or in some cases, terminating the autoimmune response that occasions the misguided attack on the beta cells. Ultimately, by disassembling and eradicating enteroviruses, such as the Coxsackie B4 virus, by way of the scalar energy pathogenic cleanse, diabetes type 1 can be either prevented or cured.
Scalar Energy Disassembles the Coxsackie B4 Virus
In addition to the enterovirus, Coxsackie B4 virus, other viruses such as the cytomegalovirus, the mumps virus as well as the rotavirus have all been associated with type 1 diabetes. The scalar energy pathogenic cleanse is likewise capable of disassembling these viruses thereby either preventing or in some cases terminating an autoimmune response that would subsequently result in the destruction of beta cells and the onset of diabetes type 1.
The link between viral infection and the onset of diabetes type 1 remains consistent amidst widespread research and clinical trials. For instance, there are elevated enterovirus antibodies in pregnant women whose children later develop diabetes type 1 , therefore, probably implicating a transplacental viral infection of the unborn. The first-born of large families are more likely to develop diabetes type 1 on account of the fact that the first born experience a lower incidence of exposure to viruses and thus have not developed an adequate immune response as subsequently do their siblings. Finally, studies have shown that mice infected with the Coxsackie B4 virus experience an autoimmune response which eventually leads to the destruction or impairment of the islet cells and a concomitant decrease in insulin production.
The evidence is clear and points to a cause and effect relationship between viral infection and the onset of diabetes type 1. Further research is needed in order to ascertain if viruses are the sole cause for an autoimmune response resulting in a destruction or impairment of the beta cells. Perhaps viruses are a contributing cause for diabetes type 1 as genetic predisposition must be considered as to why some individuals develop an autoimmune response that results in the destruction or impairment of beta cells subsequently leading to diabetes type 1.
Nonetheless, the scalar energy pathogenic cleanse is capable of disassembling all pathogens, including viruses, thereby offering the prevention or cure for many cases of diabetes type 1. Viruses are foreign invaders and do not belong in the human body. The disassembling and eradication of viruses, as well as other pathogens, by way of the scalar energy pathogenic cleanse will prove to be the prevention and cure for all pathogenic infections as well as prevention and cure for many other diseases and conditions.
God created an infinite universe with an infinite number of stars that serve as the points of origin for an infinite supply of scalar energy. It is the Sun of our solar system as well as the stars of the universe that transmit scalar energy throughout the universe on a continuous basis. This continuous transmission of scalar energy serves to provide an eternal and infinite source of intelligence or communication for the entire universe. It is scalar energy that acts as the carrier wave for all intelligence or communication from God. Scalar energy is the Life Force of the universe.
Furthermore, as the universal carrier wave of intelligence, scalar energy assembles and maintains all physical matter in the universe and thus is responsible for the geometry found in nature. Scalar energy is also responsible for assembling and maintaining pathogens. All physical forms in the universe, as well as pathogens, receive intelligence or communication from scalar energy to assemble and maintain a specific geometry. Conversely, scalar energy can also be utilized to disrupt and subsequently disassemble the geometry of pathogens thereby eradicating the causative agents of pathogenic disease. In practice, the scalar energy pathogenic cleanse is capable of disassembling pathogens thereby eradicating the causative agents of pathogenic disease.
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The scalar healing sessions are done remotely using your photograph to connect with you. There are 3 options for scalar sessions:
- You as an individual
- You and one other as a Couple
- You and a group of 3, 5, 7, 15
You can click here or on the banner below to get started. After payment, you will be taken to a form to register. Once registered you will receive an email requesting your photograph. Submit your photograph and Tom Paladino will begin the sessions. You will receive 65 scalar sessions in 30 days. These sessions consist of a Pathogen Cleanse, a Nutritional Therapy and a Chakra Balance. Please refer to the FAQ page to see more details.
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