Scalar Energy aligns the 7 chakra of the body
Standard Scalar Energy Protocol
- A scalar energy pathogenic cleanse that disassembles bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoan that infect the human body.
- A scalar energy nutrient therapy that assembles vitamins, minerals, amino acids, phytochemicals, antioxidants and fatty acids inside the human body.
- A scalar energy chakra alignment that harmonizes and balances the seven (7) chakras of the human body.
Arthritis Testimonial
Greetings to everyone reading this and I hope you will find my experiences and testimony here will encourage you to explore this wonderful avenue towards better health and a much more happy and healthier you …
In brief, I was first introduced to Mr. Paladino and his Scalar Energy Healing services through a very good friend of mine who I have known and trusted for many years. Upon her suggestion, I decide to avail myself of the services offered .. and I must say .. I am MORE than pleased thus far with the results!
For YEARS, I have suffered .. mostly in silence .. with debilitating Arthritis in my neck and shoulders. I’m sure there’s some Fibromyalgia included as well. My multiple numerous visits to the Chiropractor and THOUSANDS of dollars invested over the years have been of great benefit, but have not “fully relieved” myself of these debilitating maladies.
So, with all this in mind, I was more than willing to give the “healing techniques and services” offered by Mr. Paladino a try .. and boy am I glad I did!!
In just under a month’s time, I have experienced a DRAMATIC reduction in the stiffness and pain that have plagued me for many years!! Over the course of these treatments .. I could actually “feel” the effects of them “working” within the affected areas!! What JOY!! What RELIEF!! I simply cannot adequately articulate how TOTALLY PLEASED I am at the results I’ve experienced so far .. and thus .. would encourage anyone to look into this manner of treatment for yourself .. if all other ways and means of “healing” have failed …
Scalar Energy Fundamental

Double Helix Phi Spiral of scalar energy emanating from a pyramid.
Once scalar energy is acknowledged and embraced by mankind, it will serve to improve the welfare of the human race. I endeavor to introduce scalar energy to mankind as one of the, “greatest creations,” of God the Father. I elicit the help of all of mankind in this divine plan. Thank you.
Thank you for your interest in the article Arthritis Testimonial via Scalar Energy
The scalar healing sessions are done remotely using your photograph to connect with you. There are 3 options for scalar sessions:
- You as an individual
- You and one other as a Couple
- You and a group of 3, 4, 5, 7
You can click here or on the banner below to get started. After payment, you will receive an email requesting your photograph. Submit your photograph and Tom Paladino will begin the sessions. You will receive scalar sessions 7 days each week over 30 days. These sessions consist of a Pathogen Cleanse, a Nutritional Therapy and a Chakra Balance. Please refer to the FAQ page to see more details.
Hello Mr. Palladino, I will like to ask you if the scalar energy treatments, will work for someone that is suffering from severe arthritis. Unfortunately, I just found out that I have this condition on both my knees and because of it the cartilage on both knees is almost totally gone. The recommendation from my doctor is surgery, which just the thought of it seems dreadful to me. I was also diagnose with bone spurs on both of the backs of my heels which also requires surgery to correct according to conventional medicine. To tell you the truth, these revelations had had a very traumatic impact in me psychologically, even though I am 55 years of age, I look and feel much younger, and have until very recently enjoyed a very active life. I am a college student, pursuing a career in secondary education which I am very close in accomplishing, except lately, because of the excruciating pain I am experiencing and subsequently a lot of trouble waking, i had to decide not to attend school this semester. I will appreciate it immensely if you can tell me if these treatments will be able to help my condition.
Thank you very much
Dear Tom, I just read about arthritis treatment and realized my left hip joint does not awaken me in the middle of the night like it used to. I am doing Zumba and hiking and “walking the bridge” in evenings. Thank you for allowing me to be so flexible, so capable and certain I can keep doing my favorite things, Thank you and God’s blessings, Maureen